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Phonics and Reading


At Saint Edmund's Catholic Primary School reading is promoted as an intrinsic part of teaching and learning; it forms a pivotal part of our curriculum. We believe that learning to read and reading for pleasure transforms children’s lives.


Early Reading

Children practise reading using fully decodable books that are closely matched to their developing phonic level. We draw upon books from Oxford Reading Tree and Collins Big Cat which fully align with Essential Letters and Sounds. Reading books are closely matched to the phonics programme and are grouped accordingly.

From the end of Reception, teacher-led guided reading sessions take place weekly in small groups. Children read a carefully selected engaging text over two sessions. The focus of the first session is on the three key components of reading fluency:

  • accuracy
  • automaticity (rapid recall of whole known words)
  • prosody (reading with expression)

The second session returns to the text and challenges the children to explore the content of the book; for example; looking at vocabulary choices, word meaning and retrieving key information.

Once children become fluent readers, a range of books is provided to allow children to engage in more lengthy discussions about the content of the book to deepen their understanding and broaden their vocabulary.

Children are encouraged to read at home every day and all classes take part in the ‘300 Night Reader’ competition.  Research shows that children who read daily develop reading fluency at a more rapid rate and become more confident, eloquent writers. We aspire to this for all our children.

Love of Reading


What is the Year One Phonics Screening Check?

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